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Dispatches from the intersection of ECE data & quality improvement

High Performers:  A Federal Reviewer Talks About Programs Mastering Their Data

High Performers:  A Federal Reviewer Talks About Programs Mastering Their Data

Ever been curious how federal reviewers view your work with the Q.I. Network? Or what it’s like for the review team visiting centers virtually or in person? As a Review Lead and later as a Field Operations Manager, Dr. Desiree Del-Zio has facilitated or managed approximately 400 federal reviews. She’s now CQI Training Lead for the Q.I. Network.

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Head Start Improvement Journey — Reports from the Front

Head Start Improvement Journey — Reports from the Front

Officially the “Head Start Q.I. Network,” members are re-thinking what quality means. Traditionally, Head Start has emphasized “quality assurance” with an adherence to minimum standards but not necessarily striving beyond that. Now, sitting alongside quality assurance is an expectation of “continuous quality improvement” (CQI)…

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Takeaways from the Data and Q.I. Institute

Takeaways from the Data and Q.I. Institute

To be honest: when we first recruited the Harvard team to present their early childhood data bootcamp to Head Start leaders, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. Professors Nonie and Stephanie of the Zaentz Early Education Initiative are respected educators, but they have limited experience with Head Start. Our…

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Findings from National Program Survey

Findings from National Program Survey

Early Intel and the National Head Start Association have released findings from a joint survey of over 300 Head Start programs, regarding how they’re responding to closures from Covid-19. The survey found that while most programs were forced to close their doors, staff continued to provide services, often in creative…

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Planning for Trauma Informed Care

Planning for Trauma Informed Care

Thanks to new federal funding, Head Start programs have the opportunity to strengthen their approach to trauma. The ability of staff to recognize the impact of trauma in themselves and others, to understand the effects and to effectively respond offers a chance to make a real difference in the lives…

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